Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Leap of Faith

                                                       The Leap of Faith

                     I am here, writing this article after quite some time - the writer in me has finally stepped out of his icy brain - dead grave and  set foot on the soils of the creative land in religion, touching a nerve to ignite the blood to pass through the veinlets of his brains to join to the big veins and capillaries, and as the mind begins to spin around, and around , to release the words locked in the rusted cells of gray - as they form a simple word and the word is what we call - a thought.

            The thought - yes, it comes and it is the beginning as it brings along with an army of thinking.
Today, as my mind functions - I am going to talk about the fact of life - The leap of faith . Now , to generalize the terms of a life, there are good times and there are bad times, and that is a general definition of the life of a human.

     Things don't fall in a balance of good and bad times. They are many more phases that a man can go through - his highest highs and lowest lows, and as he